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Saturday, 11 February 2012



  1. Real lines of “LOVE”.
U will miss ur lovable one just by saying “BYE”.
But the truth is Our HEART wait’s 4 dem until they say “HI” again.  That’s true love…!

  1. Cute style of proposing in Valentine’s Day:
Boy: Can u pose for a photo?
Girl: Why?
Boy: Just wanted to show my children how their mom looked in her younger days…

  1. “Love” is Beautiful like Butterfly.
It will fly away.
But, when you cool and silent,
It will come and Touch “U”.

  1. “Ever green quote ever told by Jerry in Cartoon”.
“A person who irritates u, always is the one who loves u very much
  but fails to express it”.

  1. Love is the second mistake of god.
GIRL is the first mistake of God.
‘But both are beautiful mistakes!”
I ‘second mistake of god’ YOU!

  1. Love can be expressed in many ways. One way I know is to send it across the distance to the person who is reading this.

  1. “Always tell someone what you feel and say what you expect. Because time gets lost in a blink of an eye but regrets can last a life long”…
So I express my true love to u dear to avoid future regrets!

  1. Sometimes my eyes get jealous of my Heart!!!
    You Know Why? Bcoz.....You Always Remain close to my HEART and far from my EYES.

  1.  “ Love is BLIND”
Because my mom started to love me before seeing my face!
So pls accept my Blind Love dear!

  1. You are like the sunshine so warm, you are like sugar, so sweet... you are like you... and that's the reason why I love you!
  1. When i look at you,
    I cannot deny there is God,
    because only God could have created some one
    as wonderful and beautiful as you!

  1. Loving someone who doesn’t luv us is like batting when it needs 7 runs in 1 ball.
V know that its impossible, but still we’ll have a small hope of a no ball….
So dear pls don’t give a ‘No’ to my heartiest love.
U r my “Valentine” through out my life!

  1. Open ur door when u r alone, open ur heart when u r sad.
But don’t open ur hand when u need a partner, bcoz I’m already
holding ur hand for ever!

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